The Valenth Public Library

These items can be brought in the shop with krüs to change certain things on your adoptables and decorate them.

Alchemy Stone:

Magic alchstone

Stops development on the adoptable you choose!

Freezes the pet in the alpha, beta or omega life stage.

Cost: 5,000 Krüs

Identity Distortion Collar:

Magic identitydistortioncollar

Change the name of your adoptable!

Changes the old name of your adoptable to a new one you choose.

Cost: 2,000 Krüs


Special elevelixir

Feed this to your adoptable, and something special might happen!

Adds random 1-6 levels to your chosen pet.

Cost: 5.000 Krüs

Mortality Dew:

Magic mortalitydew

Reverses the effects of an Alchemy Stone!

Reverses the effect of an Alchemy Stone and lets the pet develop again.

Cost: 4,500 Krüs

Essence of Mars:

Magic essenceofmars

Turning your pet into a male is as simple as using this magical crystal!

Turns instantly your adoptable into a male.

Cost: 1,000 Krüs

Essence of Venus:

Magic essenceofvenus

Turning your pet into a female is as simple as using this magical crystal!

Turns instantly your adoptable into a female.

Cost: 1,000 Krüs

Varanius Doll:

Trinket varaniusdoll

If you cannot afford the real thing, this makes a nice, if quiet and rather stationary, substitute.

This item can be given to one of your adoptables to hold it.

Cost: 10,000 Krüs

Brocade Leupak Doll:

Trinket brocadeleupakdoll

A hand-sewn leupak doll made of fine brocade fabrics, with an opal facet.

This item can be given to one of your adoptables to hold it.

Cost: 30,000 Krüs
